Functional Obedience Classes
With Pretty Paws Pet Services & Training
Did you miss out on puppy classes?
Struggling with reliable obedience with your dog?
Just want something fun and engaging to do with your furbaby?
Then you’re in the right place!
Classes Available
Our goal through functional obedience is to teach you things that will help you in everyday life with your pup!
We work on sit, down, down-stay, chin, loose lead walking, recall, and more in just the beginner class. We also place a heavy emphasis on appropriate socialisation, and confidence building by utilising our own dogs, distracting noises, different textures, and more.
Purple - Beginner
This is a 6 week course, once per week for 1 hour.
Classes will be from 6.30pm-7.30pm
For just $299 you’re invited to the 6 week course, coaching from 2 qualified trainers, skills that you’ll be able to use on a daily basis and a very cute graduation where you are awarded a certificate and rosette on passing of the course!
As this is an introductory course we only focus on the basics of each skill. We focus on:
Down-stay (1min no distractions, 30s with distractions)
Touch pads
Loose-leash walking
Classes will be held at a park in Burswood, Perth. With intention to set up more classes NOR in the future!